"Oh the Places Beth Goes"

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Step aside Miss...

August 21, 2010
So unfortunately my flight was @ 3pm on Saturday, which gave me no time to explore. However, I would just like to inform you people that I did make it to the airport without a GPS or Mapquest directions without getting lost. I told you it would happen one day. I was thrilled to see Clare @ Avis, and although we didn't have the same flight back to NY we were able to shop for souvenirs, grab a bite to eat and have our last cocktail together for awhile. We ordered a Margarita but over the loud speaker heard our flights boarding. The waitress asked if we wanted a To-Go Cup for our beverage. Why of course! So we said our final goodbyes and as I handed the attendant my ticket a gentleman said in a stern voice "Step aside Miss" So I immediately told him it had alcohol in it. He just put some machine up to my drink and said I was free to go. Hmm, strange. Well when telling this story to my friends I explained to them that they were testing the alcohol content in my cup. Ok, I am blonde and yes I really thought that. No, they do not have breathalyzers for drinks. I was told hey were testing the liquid for illegal substances. Who knew??

Monday, August 23, 2010

Live, LAUGH, Love...Puerto Rico

 August 18th, 2010- August 20th, 2010
The hours were the longest I have ever worked, so unfortunately I didn't get to explore a lot of the island. But that doesn't mean I didn't have a blast. The GPS shenanigans didn't end in PR, let's just say it wouldn't even turn on the entire trip. So me and my horrible sense of directions and my aggressive driving caused for some excursions. At first we wondered why everyone was driving shit-boxes for cars, and then we realized we were on one big BUMPER CAR Track. I am telling you these drivers are crazy. Ok, ok, so I fit right in. We attempted to get a coffee or Cafe' that wasn't the size of a dixie cup and ended up driving for over an hour all to come back with this kiddie size coffee from McDonald's, with Leche' of course. Thank you, Zamara for teaching me that word, it was very useful in PR. (Oh and she's 3!) By the time we left work each night we were exhausted but since our hotel held the BIGGEST Casino in PR we had to venture out. Let's just say the casino was only ONE room, and was about 1/8th of Mohegan Sun or Foxwoods. We spent most nights in our hotel bar, Le Bistro and became amigos with the bartender and manager. They closed at 11pm but stayed open until 2am for us. This trip was not short of laughter, fun, great food, wonderful views, and GREAT NEWS....soon to follow.

Caguas, Puerto Rico #8073

Caguas, Puerto Rico #8073 
August 17th, 2010 - August 21, 2010
My Last Center to deploy on SONIC. Tear, tear. I can't believe it's over. Like I said in my previous excerpt, we each had a SWAT team member for support this week. My SWAT person was Melody. We laughed until our stomachs hurt the entire day and back at our hotel until we went to sleep. Because neither her nor I speak Espanol there was a definite language barrior. It became an on-going joke of me using sign language to communicate with the staff. It was all too funny and even the staff started signing by Friday! They did have a them of white shirts the first day....I didn't get the memo, or maybe I just couldn't read it let's say.


Where did the time go...my final deployment is here (insert sad face :()...and No, like I told you I am not in the army so Afghanistan is not the destination. I AM OFF TO PUERTO RICO today! So not only do they refer to our trips each week as DEPLOYMENTS, and I am part of the SONIC GROUND TEAM, but our go to person we turn to is called the SWAT team. The team is based up of six employees whose home base is the Corporate office in Carlsbad. This week the Swat team was going to be paired up with us as a support in Puerto Rico. So my last flight was a direct flight. Haha, I'm kidding I would never be so lucky. When I arrived in Philly @ 8am I couldn't be more excited to have my last flight out with my fellow ground teamer, Clare. We landed in Puerto Rico by 1pm and decided to head over to her hotel, which was a luxurious resort in the middle of nowhere in Dorado. We enjoyed the view of the ocean from her balcony with a PR beer of course, that is until it started raining sideways. Another one of our team members came and met us and the three of us ventured out after the storm passed. We asked the young bellhop at the front lobby where he recommended we eat and let's just say we ended up in a sketchy deserted area with no restaurants nor people, just abandoned buildings. Ok, Plan B! We went to downtown San Juan to a very modern, chic place that cost a pretty penny, but the atmosphere was well worth it; 'Jam Bar + Bistro Moderne. Another coworker met us and we enjoyed the wonderful food. Monfongo is my new best friend.  

Breakfast on a stick...

We wonder why Americans are overweight? Child obesity is on the rise and I think that this breakfast concoction is one of the reasons why. As you all know I have dined out very often in the last 8 months, hence the 5lb weight gain. Thank God I was able to eat Jenny Craig so often, otherwise I may be staring in that new show "Huge". We often order the healthiest choices when going out but we do not see or hear about the hidden fats that make that food taste so yummy. Yes, I know it could have been all the beer I have consumed in all these states, but it was light and who goes to a baseball stadium and doesn't drink a beer? Come on people! Well this is what they were serving at the Continental Breakfast in the hotel.....

Get me outta Missouri!

 Friday August 6th, 2010
So after what seemed like the longest week of my life with NOTHING to do. I decided to meet up with one of my Sonic team members, Rachel. She was a little over an hour away in Springfield. I asked the my staff if they could recommend a middle point for us to meet. Well the feedback I received made me promise myself never to step foot, or even put a toe back in the state of Missouri. They informed me that on that hour long drive the only thing I would see was Sex shops, Sex museums, Sex theatres and "Men's Spas", which I will not explain to you in full detail, but lets just say these men don't go there for a back massage or a pedicure. Gross. When I told the ladies I lived 30min from NYC they said "Oh wow, it must be really diverse there?' I said "Yes, why it's not here?" Knowing the answer in my head already. Then the lady proceeded to say to me; "NO, We have a black client, But she's STILL nice." Oh lord, these ladies do not know me, and boy did I have to just keep my mouth shut and my fists behind my back. I asked if there was a Chillis or any chain restaurant near by? Nope, just some sketchy diners. Ugh, Is it Saturday yet people? So I arrived at Rachel's hotel and saw more civilization then I have seen in a few days. Every week when I travel to these new cities I refuse to go to a Fridays or a Chillis. I want to experience the city and what they are known for. Well let's just say Rachel and I went to Fridays and a Chilis. Haha. Did I mention I hated Missouri? We ended up having a fun filled, laugh filled, oh and smoke filled night. Really? Smoking in the bar is not outlawed in all 50 states yet? Gross again. So after our happening night Rachel showed my her rental of the week, a Lincoln Town car which after a few drinks I decided to climb in the trunk. Hey don't judge me, what else was there to do? I ended up having a sleepover and waking up @5am and driving past all the creepy Sex stops to the Centre. I drove like a bat out of hell, (sorry Missouri can be classified as hell on earth to me) and into Arkansas to catch my flight. I was happy to see a familiar face in the airport to keep me company. I was even more happy to be up in the air and on the way home.