"Oh the Places Beth Goes"

Monday, August 23, 2010


Where did the time go...my final deployment is here (insert sad face :()...and No, like I told you I am not in the army so Afghanistan is not the destination. I AM OFF TO PUERTO RICO today! So not only do they refer to our trips each week as DEPLOYMENTS, and I am part of the SONIC GROUND TEAM, but our go to person we turn to is called the SWAT team. The team is based up of six employees whose home base is the Corporate office in Carlsbad. This week the Swat team was going to be paired up with us as a support in Puerto Rico. So my last flight was a direct flight. Haha, I'm kidding I would never be so lucky. When I arrived in Philly @ 8am I couldn't be more excited to have my last flight out with my fellow ground teamer, Clare. We landed in Puerto Rico by 1pm and decided to head over to her hotel, which was a luxurious resort in the middle of nowhere in Dorado. We enjoyed the view of the ocean from her balcony with a PR beer of course, that is until it started raining sideways. Another one of our team members came and met us and the three of us ventured out after the storm passed. We asked the young bellhop at the front lobby where he recommended we eat and let's just say we ended up in a sketchy deserted area with no restaurants nor people, just abandoned buildings. Ok, Plan B! We went to downtown San Juan to a very modern, chic place that cost a pretty penny, but the atmosphere was well worth it; 'Jam Bar + Bistro Moderne. Another coworker met us and we enjoyed the wonderful food. Monfongo is my new best friend.  

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