"Oh the Places Beth Goes"

Friday, April 2, 2010

I named this Blog Up in the Air for a reason......

March 30, 2010 started off very early...3am that is. And after going to bed at 1am I was in better shape then I expected. My driver drove to my first of four airports of the day, White Plains, NY. Where it was a smooth quick check-in followed by a walk outside to the small plane in the pouring cold rain. The flight to Washington, DC was so short my soaked clothing was barely dry. But running through the airport to my next connection certainly did the trick. As I sat in my seat I noticed two people approaching my aisle. Jason & Molly from the Bachelor Season . Molly sat next to me and I said "Congratulations" as I stared at the rock on her finger. They continued to be lovey-dovey the entire 6 hours to Seattle,WA. But I endured this long enough to get my picture with them when we landed in Jason's hometown of Seattle. One last flight to the quaint airport of Santa Rosa, CA and I was finally at my destination.


  1. LOVE IT!!! Was so shocked when you called me to tell me!! Next it'll be "Speidi" Now that I couldn't stomach!

  2. So Cool see you never know who you will run into!!! Glad you happy doing what you LOVE!!!!....Pam
