April 9, 2010
I got out of work at two in the afternoon and decided to venture to downtown Seattle with one of my Sonic road-dogs, Amy. We dropped one of her coworkers off right outside the city. Which is a hilly and quite essentric quaint little town. Bright colored buildings and very theatrical people filled the streets. We actually drove by a woman walking her dog in a Top Hat, combat boots, and leopard-print leggings. Then a group of people in their fifties had red and blue capes on just walking randomly through the streets. Wow! Wallingford is where Dave Matthews lives. So I took a picture of the grocery store he frequents often. I know I'm a dork. The picture of the Troll is a famous stop, too bad that guy didn't understand the concept of "Down in front!" We went to the Space-needle and Pikes Place Market. The market included fresh fruit, flowers, candy and fish...unfortunately, we arrived too late to see the "Hot Fishermen" throwing the fish. :) People said I would like Seattle, but I never gave the city enough credit. All in all it was a wonderful night that included; good food, great views, and of course the laughter. Unfortunately, it ended with a few extra views of a couple Parking Garages....make sure you remember where you are parked or at least take the ticket with youdon't leave it on the dashboard....lesson learned the hard way!
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